
Naruto is an ongoing Japanese Manga series. the plot tells the story of a young loud hyperactive knucklehead ninja called Naruto who is from the hidden village in the leaves.


Naruto is an ongoing Japanese Manga series. the plot tells the story of a young loud hyperactive knucklehead ninja called Naruto who is from the hidden village in the leaves.
7:15 PM

Hinata hyuga

Posted by kyle


As a child, on her third birthday, she met her cousin, Neji; while she was somewhat shy in his presence, he told his father that he found her nice. Not long afterward, the Land of Lightning's head ninja tried to abduct her, but her father killed him to save her. The Land of Lightning demanded compensation for this, and Hizashi agreed to die in Hiashi's place.

At the start of the story, she is a shy girl, who is the heiress of the Hyuga Clan. She is one of the rare female characters who didn't have a crush on Sasuke Uchiha, but instead focuses her attention on the totally oblivious Naruto.

Her father saw her as weaker than her sister, Hanabi Hyuga, and when she was assigned to Kurenai Yuhi, told her that he was unconcerned that she might die on a mission, saying that her sister was more valuable than she was. Although she trained harder than her teammates, she gave up and thought herself as useless, leading to many failures on missions.


Hinata is generally soft-spoken and polite, applying appropriate name suffixes to most people. She is kind, being unwilling to watch people get hurt in front of her, a trait that Neji considers a flaw. Hinata is able to understand people who share pain, and is one of the few people who knows how painful Naruto's childhood was. She generally thinks carefully before acting, allowing her to think more clearly in tough situations.

Hinata has a long standing admiration for Naruto, a trait her teammates often tease her for. Despite being painfully obvious to almost every other character, Naruto has always been oblivious to her attention, and due to her timidness, he finds it hard to be with her at times, but still claims that he can be around Hinata. Hinata gets along well with her teammates. Kiba's actions toward her are often motivated by concern for her, as seen when he urges her to forfeit if she is matched against Neji. Shino often indicates that he believes in Hinata, and makes a point of telling it to others when they doubt or worry about her. Hinata is also the closest to Team 8's sensei, Kurenai Yuhi, who is especially invested in Hinata's growth as a ninja and as a person. Kurenai noted that Hinata had was better in her battle with Neji. After Hinata was knocked down for the last time, Kurenai, despite appearing sad over how much Hinata suffered, silently congratulated her student for not giving up. After this and for the rest of Part I, she begins strengthening herself with training with Neji, and encourages Naruto at the very same time, speaking her true feelings a bit more and training harder than usual. In Part II, she evolves to the rank of Chunin, indicating her successful training. She also stutters less when she speaks, showing how much she is finally gaining confidence in herself. Despite this, her feelings for Naruto have remained the same over the timeskip, as she is unable to bring herself to greet him when he returns, and passes out after nine seconds when he goes to greet her. Despite this, her perseverance has caused Naruto to view a true side of her, and he now views her in a higher regard.